Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Years Resolution

I have been thinking a lot about these.

I of course have the normal be a better mom and wife but I dont feel like thats something you accomplish and check off your list. I would love to be a more organized person and write my plans down so I'm not so scatter brained all the time. It is not really fair to forget to wash Chase's cammis on the weekend or be an hour late for lunch because we were busy cleaning.

I have some resolutions I would like to just do for me though:

This baby weight has GOT TO GO!! Can you even call it baby weight still when your "baby" is about to turn 2? Whatever you want to call it, it's outta here! I go to bed at night wishing I would have been healthier that day or exercised. I just want to get back down to my pre-preggo weight. I have accepted the fact that I may never fit back in my tiny skinny jeans and thats ok. I just want to be healthy and fit!

My second resolution for me is to learn to shoot in manual mode of my camera. I have had my SLR for over a year now and I would really love to improve my pictures. Automatic mode is fantastic, but I want more out of my camera! I do have a really great subject to photograph.

My third and final resolution is to take some time for me. I try to do that ( some times ) but I should make it a point. I guess taking a shower alone doesnt count, not that I do that often. I would like to spend some more time sewing and learning new things.

So this is pretty much just a post so that I have to be accountable for what I have set for my resolutions - you know since they are on the blogosphere for all to see. I am a little late starting all of these but hopefully I can accomplish them all by the end of the year.

What are your resolutions??


  1. 1. to get my school done!
    2. to stay constant with my workouts, and not make excuses!
    3. also learn how to use my settings on my camera, since i'm to lazy to ready a book about it, but i don't have as awesome of camera as you do :)
    4. obviously just be a better person :)

  2. bring your camera to Vegas and I'll show you some things. Also, read your manual. Not only will you learn about all the buttons, but there's generally some good photography tips in those things as well.

    And if you want another link to an addictive site: It's a site dedicated to photographing children & families.

    My one resolution this year is to build a professional-looking photography portfolio. And I'd like to learn to sew better, too.
